
We aim to create a robust, sustainable, and environmentally responsible extraction industry for minerals that support the global objective of decarbonization, fostering clean growth and transitioning to a green economy.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) represent the key factors in assessing a company’s sustainability. There is a growing expectation from investors, society, and governments that responsible companies will actively monitor and disclose their approaches to issues within these realms.

EV Tech is committed to extracting lithium in an environmentally responsible manner, with the aim of supplying lithium products to the battery industry. We believe that our products will contribute to a greener and more sustainable supply chain, playing a pivotal role in the energy transition away from fossil fuels.

In alignment with our dedication to ESG principles, we have adopted an active approach and assembled a team to implement ESG policies as we progress into the next phase of development.

Since the beginning of 2021, we have expanded our ESG team and intensified community engagement in tandem with the growth of our operational activities in both geothermal and hard rock projects. This inaugural sustainability report seeks to offer stakeholders transparent insights into our approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters, along with our performance thus far. Although EV Tech is presently a private company, we are actively striving to align with the governance and reporting standards typical of a publicly listed company.
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